ETH$ 3358.52
APE$ 1.130
ETH Gas5.77127 Gwei
DeedΞ 0.179 KodaΞ 1.35 KodamaraΞ 0.060 -   MaraΞ 0.009 -   CatalystΞ 0.065

Resource Steppesalt

The resource Steppesalt is identified in the Anima category. There are in total 539 Steppesalt resources on 510 different otherdeeds.
Steppesalt has the rarity rank of #49 out of #74.
Currently there are a total of 8 listed otherdeeds and the current Steppesalt floor is 0.292 ETH.
Steppesalt Tier1
Tier 1
Steppesalt Tier2
Tier 2
Steppesalt Tier3
Tier 3
# Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Total
North 71 41 19 131
East 66 44 24 134
South 75 39 12 126
West 87 40 21 148
Total 299 164 76 539
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