Defeating the shattered requires using abilities from all Oda equally.
To defeat the shattered it is critical to build a team with complementing abilities and weapon procs.
There are 4 types of abilities: Buffs, Debuffs, Damage and Procs.
Activating these abilities is key to building your combo meter. Although abilities of the same type do not stack damage, they still contribute to your combo meter.
Active buffs are shown by a green icon next to your Oda, while debuffs are shown by a pink icon near the Shattered's HP bar.
Some abilities are a single time use. Others last a few hours.
All abilities are variable in amount (X%) and time (T) depending on Oda tier.
Buffs are abilities that improve your team's stats or damage.
Attack Speed Buff:
Damage abilities directly damage the shattered. These are done through an ability or through a weapon proc from a weapon Koda.
Direct Damage:
Debuffs are abilities that affect the Shattered. These abilities damage the shattered or cause the shattered to take more damage.
Damage Over Time:
Procs are abilities that only weapon Koda have. These are weapon specific and increase the damage done to the shattered.
Cursed Armament Proc: