Odas bring life to your Otherdeeds, they help you to farm, hunt or enchant other odas. The term Odas includes Kodas, Maras and Kodamaras. In general, a distinction is made between three types of odas - farmer, hunter and enchanter. Kodas are able to do anything, while maras can only perform one specific function.
Farmers: Activate your fragments production. For example, if you possess a Sediment Tier 3 Otherdeed and have a Legendary Farmer Mara, you would produce 13 Fragments, which includes the 10 Fragments from the Base Rate and an additional 3 Fragments due to the Farmer's 30% Boost.
Hunters: Activate fighting the Shattered. Each Hunter, has a specific Damage-per-Second (DPS) Base Rate. They also possess unique Abilities that can further amplify their damage output, making them more effective in battle.
Enchanters: Enchanters provide two types of boosts. The first is a Production Speed Boost, which reduces the time required to farm fragments. The second is a Damage Boost, which increases your DPS.
Basic Oda Stats
Speed Boost